Saturday, October 11, 2003

Below is the initial paragraph of a letter to W from four very important people in the government. They don't mince words--Bush continues to make promises he never intends to keep. The fact that a few days ago, very early on in this investigation, he blew it off saying he's not expecting the leakers to be found.

The pattern was established in the first months of W's reign as Cheney blew off the GAO's demand for information about who as involved in secret energy policy meetings (Remember Ken Lay?). Cheney may have broken the law, but never surrendered the information requested. Not only was he not prosecuted, but the GAO withdrew its suit entirely. Cheney (and the crowd he's protecting) got off scot free. The same will happen here--Bush just signaled it.

I started this blog to think about W's communication behaviors because it appeared there would be some stuff that would necessitate some analysis from a theortical perspective to unpack what was happening. Now, I have little to say because the analysis is reduced to this: Bush and his staff are compulsive liars. I'll say what the good senators below say in more diplomatic terms--Bush is "inconsistent" to say the least.

From Senators: Tom Daschle, Joseph R. Biden, Carl Levin, Charles E. Schumer
To: The President / The White House

Thursday 09 October 2003

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We write to express our continuing concerns regarding the manner in which your Administration is conducting the investigation into the apparently criminal leaking of a covert CIA operative's identity. You have personally pledged the White House's full cooperation in this investigation and you have stated your desire to see any culprits identified and prosecuted, but the Administration's actions are inconsistent with your words.