Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Prophecy and Profit

Remember at all times that in WSpeak, black means white. Obviously, Bill Frist speaks W. For him, a blind trust is one to be regularly reviewed using nearly two dozen letters from trust administrators.

Insider trading is not insider trading, but a sudden concern about potential conflict of interest. Frist was not capitalizing on knowledge that his daddy's firm was ready to bleed money--no! no! Bill is righteous man who is a prophet--literally one who foresees the future. Of course, his prophetic ability just happened to net him a tidy sum. Too bad Martha Stewart wasn't more righteous.

We must hope the evildoers of the ethics committee and public opinion don't collude to strip him of his office as speaker the righteous house. Alas, such was the fate of the previous speaker who righteously proclaimed the heroism of Strom Thurmond in serving the cause of racism. What do we call that in WSpeak?


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