Saturday, May 17, 2003

I've written before concerning the PATRIOT Act and its nastiness. A tiny piece of good news comes in a Boston Globe article by David Mehegan. In that article, Mehegan reports that Rep. Bernard Sanders (I, Vt.), has introduced a bill to the House entitled, the "Freedom to Read Act" which seeks modification of section 215. Some 32 organizations composed of librarians, booksellers and authors have endorsed the bill. According to Mehegan, section 215 permits "a secret court can authorize the FBI to inspect or seize bookstore or library records without showing probable cause. Further, the law provides that the bookstore or library is forbidden to disclose that the inspection happened." Sanders' bill is an effort to closely monitor the use of the information contained in such records. While repeal of the entire, PATRIOT Act, or at least, section 215 would be much more significant, any limitation of the government to intrude in our own information gathering efforts is laudable. Support the Sanders bill, and support Bernard Sanders for taking a risk in a time when such acts as he proposed are viewed with suspicion.


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