Tuesday, May 13, 2003

In order to see where WE are going as a nation, it is helpful to look to similar cases for comparison. Take a look at a recent posting on Lawrence Lessig's blog (see May 8, 2003) from some folks in Australia, the home of Rupert Murdoch. The evidence is pretty clear that concentration of media will at some point reach a critical mass that is essentially monopoly of all critical public communication channels. Once the grasp of one or a few individuals is solidified, then intrusive control obtains. In fact, the hubris of such people is pictured nicely in the story of Kerry Packer (Murdoch's counterpart in the land of Oz) who interrupted a program mid-way because he didn't like it. The time was filled with commercials. Now, that's a nice way to spend an evening in front of the telly!


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