Monday, March 10, 2003

I sent this letter to President Bush late last week. As an open letter, perhaps its "echo" may have some impact somewhere.

Mr. President,
Time is short regarding your decision to launch a preemptive strike
against Iraq. Before an irreversible decision is made, I implore you NOT
to give the order to attack. The inspections are working; Sadaam is
weakened and under tremendous pressure with our forces arrayed against
him. Let the process work in order to reach your goals peacefully.

The suffering to be imposed on the Iraqi people, and the Kurds in
particular who will be caught in a crossfire, will be greater in cost
than the benefit of a "quick" change of regime. We've tried regime
change in the Middle East already; we've tried it in SE Asia and in
Central and South America and have failed in each effort. There is no
history of, tradition of, or vision for a Western style democracy in Iraq
nor the entire region. Our greatest ally, Saudi Arabia, is a repressive,
corrupt regime. Without Iraq as a greater model of repression, the Saudi's
behavior comes into relief as just the sort of government you claim is "evil."

Neither you, nor all your advisers can control the chaos a war will
ignite. You can control much of what happens given present peaceful
conditions. Exercise that control; control yourself and your advisors
and keep the pressure on, but only that.

You claim to want peace--keep the peace. You claim you want to protect
the American people--keep the peace so we do not invite retaliation by
those who are now our sworn enemies and those who will be motivated to
become our enemies because their families, homes and livelihoods are
destroyed in a war you started preemptively.

Before it is too late, please change your strategy to one of patient
pressure that includes the other significant governments of the world.
You seem to be able to do what you decide to do. Should you decide to
peacefully facilitate regime change in Iraq, you can make it happen.

In either case, you will be held directly accountable for what happens.
What accounting are you prepared to make to history?


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