Sunday, December 19, 2004

Too Dumb to Make Mistakes?

W, the Perfect, insists that Iraq will have elections on January 30. He's made up is mind (the war mind remember; he makes decisions with war on his mind he proudly told 60 Minutes).

Never mind that they have to organize an election for 21 million people in country and 3 million expatriots. (Florida, I doubt, or even Ohio could pull off an election after a hurricane or blizzard respectively with only 45 days to prepare.) What is the rationale for the choice of date and inflexibility of it? Here's W's laser-like argument:

"I believe it's necessary for the Iraqi people to vote on January 30th because it provides an opportunity for people to participate in democracy."

So, his reasoning is that the Iraqis must vote to have the opportunity to vote. A classic non sequitur (it doesn't follow). Apparently such a patently lame argument was persuasive though in as much as the American electorate just handed him four more years to govern.

Now, what will happen, I predict, is there will be some things happen on January 30th that will be photographed and reported as the "free elections" in Iraq and the US media echo chamber will play and replay the words and images until the American public is convinced that everything was legitimate. That is critical for the Bush effort.

As one retired general put it, "Whatever happens with the elections, the administration is going to argue they were a great success. Whether the facts sustain that argument or contradict it very much remains to be seen."

Take my advice folks and look carefully for the facts in places other than Fox News (and Clear Channel radio).


At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any update to your thoughts here now that the 30th has passed?

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Mark said...

Good question. It is interesting to me how little has been made of the election so far. I think the Bush administration, like the rest of the world, is just holding its breath to see what happens. A report I saw today (2/4) suggests the most popular party by a long shot is dominated by Shiite clerics. I don't think a theocracy is what W had in mind . . . .

I was stunned that W ignored Iraq in the State of the Union speech, choosing instead to pour most of his energy into his preemptive strike on social security and social programs. To mask such a central concern as Iraq (given how many lives and how much treasure have been chewed up so far with years to go) while raising a new "crisis" at home is amazing to me. He is a veritable magician, making one element of reality disappear (even if only temporarily) while prestidigitating a new one (the "crisis" of social security) is noteworthy.

Once the results begin to coalesce regarding the election results, the administrations spin doctors will know which rabbit to pull from the hat (to be replayed by Fox a hundred times).


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